What We Do:
As it is its own organization, the SWC Foundation also has a board of directors that—along with general Funding committee members from SWC—oversees the selection of all grant and scholarship recipients. The Chair of the SWC Foundation also serves as a Funding liaison on the SWC board, keeping the club updated on its activities.
The Southlake Women’s Club Foundation was formed in 2000 and was officially recognized as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in 2002. SWC utilizes the Foundation to raise and disburse money for a variety of community needs. Through our annual School Supply Sale, we provide funds to local district schools. And with proceeds raised at Art in the Square, we provide annual scholarships to graduating Carroll ISD seniors, as well as grants to our annually selected beneficiaries.

Funding Board Members
- Chair/Pesident- Stephanie Hodges
- VP Scholarships- Sarah Hessing
- VP Communications- Vicky Stropes
- AITS Treasurer- Amy Schroeder
- Secretary- Lori Burr
- Parliamentarian- Karen Parrish