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January Luncheon 2023

Westin Southlake

Please join us for our first luncheon of 2024 on Thursday, January 11th at 11:00.  It is always exciting to see how much money was raised during our School Supply Fund Raiser. Much work goes into the coordination of this fund raiser that benefits students of Carroll ISD. At this luncheon, proceeds from our annual school supply sale are presented to the CISD school principals.  It is so nice to hear of the plans for using these funds and to see the appreciation and excitement the principals have.  Superintendent Dr. Lane Ledbetter will be our guest speaker. We hope to see you there! Click HERE to Register   Who Is Attending? (function(doc, id){var scripts=doc.getElementsByTagName("script"); if (!doc.getElementById(id)){var script=doc.createElement("script"); script.async=1; script.id=id; script.src="https://cdn.jotfor.ms/s/umd/latest/for-sheets-embed.js"; scripts.parentNode.insertBefore(script, scripts);}})(document, "jotform-async");